Australia Zoo Urges People to Try and Capture Deadly Spiders

Johnny Robish
2 min readJan 27, 2017


Australia Zoo Urges People to Try and Capture Deadly Spiders: An Australian zoo is urging people to try and capture and donate deadly funnel-web spiders, to help replenish stocks of antidote which is running low after a spate of spider bites. Is it just me, or has anyone else ever though about the more you encourage ordinary people to try capturing these deadly spiders, the more antidote you’re gonna need?

Neanderthals Lingered in Russia 8,000 Years Longer Than Thought: A recent study found that the Neanderthals apparently lingered in Russia about 8,000 years longer than what was previously believed. All I can say is they must have gotten into a pretty damn nice stash of vodka.

Brown Bear Painter Makes His Debut at Finnish Art Gallery: A 930-pound brown bear named Juuso had his debut exhibition at a gallery in Helsinki, featuring 11 pieces of original art work which he painted by using his paws and the fur on his body as paintbrushes. Wow, is this fur real? Most critics absolutely loved the paintings, while a few described looking at them as unbearable. Geez, that’s almost enough to send an artist into hibernation for the winter.



Johnny Robish

Johnny Robish is an actor, comedian, and humor writer who is considered one of America’s most trusted sources for complete nonsense.