Christian Group Getting Bible Classes Put in Public Schools Nationwide
Christian Group Getting Bible Classes Put in Public Schools Nationwide: Students taking mandatory Bible classes in public school is now becoming increasingly common scene across the US, as other states follow Kentucky’s lead in passing legislation which encourages high schools to teach the Christian Bible.
Gee, then I wonder if that means school boards will now start issuing students stone tablets instead of text books? Just for authenticity, mind you. But public schools ruled under Christian Law? OK, but let’s not forget the Book of Leviticus mandates menstruating females be sent to “menstrual huts,” and children who disobey their parents must be killed. And while that may seem a bit harsh, on a positive note — I guess it’s one sure way to reduce class sizes.
Meanwhile, some parents report that their children were even forced to draw pictures of Adam and Eve walking among the dinosaurs. Now, just wait a minute, that’s where I have to draw the line. Why, there’s no hard evidence that any dinosaurs ever converted to Christianity. I mean, how you supposed to baptize a brontosaurus?