Don Jr’s Girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle Tests Positive for Coronavirus
Don Jr’s Girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle Tests Positive for Coronavirus: It’s been announced that Kimberly Guilfoyle, the 51-year-old former Fox News television personality and current girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr, who had traveled to South Dakota for the President’s Mount Rushmore Fourth of July speech, has tested positive for coronavirus.
Well, I gotta be honest and admit that I just don’t get it. I mean, you’d think that after having worked at Fox for all those years, she’d already have built-up an immunity to just about every disease known to humanity by now. Guess she just hasn’t been drinking enough bleach. Oh well, even though she may be COVID-19 positive, she’s still considered IQ negative.
Meanwhile, shortly afterward — Don Jr announced he will also be self-isolating. On a positive note, at least now we know he won’t be shooting any exotic, endangered animals for the next two weeks. And, the President is likely safe too, given that he rarely lets Don Jr. or Eric come within 25 feet of him anyway.