Emboldened Wild Animals Venture Into Locked-Down Cities Worldwide
Emboldened Wild Animals Venture Into Locked-Down Cities Worldwide: As we humans continue to quarantine ourselves around the world, many city dwellers have been reporting seeing emboldened groups of wild animals roaming empty streets, trying to recapture what was once a bustling urban environment.
Well, I’m not surprised one bit. My guess is — the lazy bastards are here, hoping to snag a few of those big fat stimulus checks, right out of innocent citizen’s mailboxes.
Pretty stupid idea if you ask me. Where the hell do they expect to cash those checks anyway? Hell, nothing’s open! And even if there were, good luck trying to show some photo ID.
I mean, not even a Trump University grad would be dumb enough to cash a check for some hairy-hoofed grifters, with antlers protruding out of their foreheads, who trots into some establishment “crying wolf.”