Jeff Bezos Claims National Enquirer Trying to Blackmail Him
Jeff Bezos Claims National Enquirer Trying to Blackmail Him: In a blogpost on Medium, Amazon chief Jeff Bezos made a most atypical public disclosure — alleging that National Enquirer chief executive and longtime Trump friend David Pecker, is threatening to publish embarrassing nude photos if Bezos didn’t stop his own private investigator Gavin de Becker’s investigation of Pecker’s company.
So if I’m understanding all this correctly, a guy named David Pecker is threatening to publish pictures of Jeff Bezos’ pecker if he doesn’t stop an investigation by a private dick named de Becker? Can this be real? Gee, sounds like that Pecker must be a real prick!
Now my question is, just who is the National Enquirer really threatening anyhow — Jeff Bezos or the rest of us? I mean, who the hell wants to see Jeff Bezos in the nude? That said, I’m sure there must be some people who would and Amazon is promising they will deliver them by Saturday if you are an Amazon Prime subscriber.
https://www.johnnyrobishcomedy.comJeff Bezos,National