Lindsay Graham Says Trump’s Wall is a Metaphor for Border Security
Lindsay Graham Says Trump’s Wall is a Metaphor for Border Security: In an effort to assure a determined President Trump that we’re going to be funding his “wall,” while still giving Democrats something they can sign off on — Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) has been telling the press that President Trump’s “wall” is simply becoming “a metaphor for border security.”
Wow — so if I understand this correctly, we’re now asking taxpayers to shell out at least $5 billion for a metaphor? Gee, if that’s true, couldn’t we find a cheaper metaphor somewhere — maybe even a used one? I mean, $5 billion is a lot of dough. I suggest checking on Craig’s List. Of course, the irony is, if Senator Graham is correct — then we’ve basically shut down our entire government operations — over a “metaphor!”
Now if that’s actually the case, then I think I have an idea. Instead of waiting for Mexico to announce that they’ve finally seen the light and have decided to fully fund Trump’s metaphor, why not instead make “Trump’s wall” just a metaphor for a big, beautiful, green hedge that runs the entire length of our border with Mexico. And maybe, just to keep Trump’s base of half-wits and simpletons happy, we’ll tell them “and Mexico’s gonna trim it.”