Man Swallows Entire of 750-Milligram Bottle of Liquid Viagra
Man Swallows Entire of 750-Milligram Bottle of Liquid Viagra: A 50-something man was forced to seek medical attention after drinking an entire 750-milligram bottle of liquid Viagra, which caused him to experience severe vision issues such as a debilitating night blindness, doughnut-shaped spots in his eyes and an extreme sensitivity to light.
Gee, who could have ever guessed that taking an entire bottle of a medication instead of the recommended dosage could have negative side effects? Imagine that? Obviously, this is someone who has to learn his lessons the “hard way!”
I mean, hasn’t he ever heard that old phrase — “stop it, or you’ll go blind?” Sadly, it all happened so fast, he never saw it coming. Now, he’s in a situation where he can’t even bend over to tie his own shoes and was forced to sell his Mini Cooper.
Meanwhile, the poor guy’s gonna be saddled with all these medical bills and heaven knows he’s not a rich man — in fact, he just a “working stiff.” On the other hand, at least now — he’ll have something interesting to say when friends call him up and ask “hey, what’s up?”
One thing’s for sure, when this guy walks down the street these days — his reputation’s gonna precede him. That said, the story does have kind of a happy ending in that he did end up marrying the date he had that night he took all that Viagra, so I guess it’s fair to say that “love is blind.”