Man Swept Into Bryde Whale’s Mouth and Lives
Man Swept Into Bryde Whale’s Mouth and Lives: A South African dive tour operator was swept into a Bryde Whale’s mouth as the whale passed by during a feeding frenzy, while gulping down everything in its path — but fortunately, the 51-year-old diver was ejected out of the whale’s mouth after a mere 1.8 seconds.
Wow, what an incredible story of almost Biblical proportions! I mean, first I read this — and then you tell me the Jonas Brothers are making a come back? Coincidence — who knows? So there’s that and — wait a minute! Now that I think about it — why I too was in Wales once — about 10 years ago. Just love the British Isles!
But all kidding aside, I know exactly how that whale must have felt. Why, I had a fly buzz straight into my mouth one time. It was disgusting! All I can say is, I don’t wanna be the one who had to clean that off that damn wetsuit.
Now what I wanna know is, how do they know this poor schmuck was stuck in the whale’s mouth for exactly “1.8 seconds?” I mean, under the circumstances, couldn’t we just round it all off to say — 2 seconds? And come on, if you saw a someone in the process of being swallowed by a huge whale — would your first instinct be to start timing it?