MS-13 Leader Orders Gang Members Not to Wear Nikes
MS-13 Leader Orders Gang Members Not to Wear Nikes: MS-13 leader Edwin Manica Flores has been secretly recorded urging the heads of regional MS-13 gangs to all work together and also advising them to avoid wearing “Nike Cortez shoes” which he feels would immediately draw the attention of law enforcement.
Come on — no Nike Cortez shoes? Not even on casual Fridays? Kind of makes you wonder, did they get a better endorsement deal from Adidas? Or, given that Nike is an NFL sponsor, perhaps the ban on Nikes might be MS-13’s way of protesting against NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem? Either that or MS-13 finally faced the realization that Nike’s predatory business practices were even too unsavory for a murderous street gang.
One thing I found interesting here is, who could have known street gangs like MS-13 provide members with helpful fashion tips? Membership apparently does have its privileges. But all kidding aside, I get where MS-13 leader Flores is coming from. I mean, you don’t wanna wear shoes that would prevent you from blending in with everyone else you pass on the street. Gee, if only there was some other way for law enforcement to be able to identify these gang members? I wonder what that could be…?