Navy Black Sea Patrol Canceled After Trump Calls It Hostile to Russia
Navy Black Sea Patrol Canceled After Trump Calls It Hostile to Russia: An aide to a top Ukraine envoy has testified that the US Navy canceled a routine Black Sea patrol after President Trump complained to then-national security adviser John Bolton — that the exercise was hostile to Russia.
Oh my gosh, WE — are SO sorry! But, come on! How was America supposed to know that the Black Sea was Putin’s private lake? I mean, there are no signs. And talk about surprises — who knew Vladimir Putin is now running our military too? Good grief, that’s gotta be a lot of additional responsibility for the poor guy!
Anyway, at least that pretty much explains Trump’s Black Sea actions. I mean, he was just following the chain of command. And isn’t that what military people are supposed to do?
I’ll tell you one thing, I think it’s pretty obvious this Trump fella is gonna be a shoo-in for the Kremlin’s next Employee of the Month award. And you can bet that baby’ll be displayed front and center in the Mar-a-Lago lobby!