Republican Forced to Apologize for Wearing Confederate Face Mask
Republican Forced to Apologize for Wearing Confederate Face Mask: Republican state Senator Dale Zorn wore a Confederate flag face mask to a Michigan state senate vote on Friday and, when confronted by a reporter — tried to claim the mask wasn’t actually what it was, then blamed his wife for making it — before finally declaring how important it is for Americans to see symbols like this, so we won’t forget our history.
Well, well! So Michigan Senator Zorn tells a reporter this mask wasn’t actually a Confederate flag, eh? Perhaps, and I’m no expert, but all I know is — this sure doesn’t look very much like the Michigan state flag.
That said, as dumb as wearing this mask to prevent the coronavirus may be — I suppose it’s still a helluva lot smarter than Trump’s idea of drinking bleach to prevent COVID-19.
Now, the question is, will this set those inquisitive, scientific Republican minds a wonder’n about if’n whether one of those fancy Klan hoods might also help protect against the virus?