Trump Calls Elijah Cummings District a Disgusting Rat-Infested Mess
Trump Calls Elijah Cummings District a Disgusting Rat-Infested Mess: President Donald Trump viciously attacked political adversary Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md) on Twitter over his criticism of the way the administration is handling the border situation, claiming conditions on the border are actually “clean, efficient and well run, but just very crowded,” whereas Cummings’ district is nothing but “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”
Gee, if Baltimore is really that much worse than our southern border, then why doesn’t he target our resources there, rather than building a wall that in reality — will be little more than a concrete and steel tribute to Trump’s tiny hands and limp penis?
And, you know what else might help places like Baltimore? How about a President who’s willing to work at creating a few new jobs rebuilding our decaying infrastructure, rather than spending all his time golfing and trash talking on Twitter.
The truth is, our southern border isn’t really all that dangerous — that is, unless you’re referring to the way Trump’s henchmen have been treating those desperate immigrant families who’ve come here seeking a better life.
The way I see it — while there may indeed be issues in Baltimore and on our southern border, I’m frankly much more concerned at how Trump is rapidly transforming Washington and our country into “a disgusting, rat-infested mess.”