Trump Cancels Pelosi’s Trip After She Requested State of the Union Delay
Trump Cancels Pelosi’s Trip After She Requested State of the Union Delay: The fight over the government shutdown hit a bizarre new low as President Trump decided to cancel House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s planned trip to Afghanistan — just a day after she angered Trump and Republicans by suggesting the President delay his State of the Union Address.
Serves her right. Perhaps next time Speaker Pelosi will decide to follow the chain of command and first get approval for her trip from the proper authority — Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Meanwhile, Melania just flew down to Mar-a-Lago for a lovely weekend on a government jet — all on the taxpayer’s dollar. Thank goodness the White House has its priorities straight.
Besides, now that Trump has declared that all hostile groups in the area such as ISIS and the Taliban have been totally defeated, I guess there’s no point in Speaker Pelosi needing to visit Afghanistan anyway — other than for going on a shopping spree.