Trump Considers Using National Emergency Powers to Build Wall
Trump Considers Using National Emergency Powers to Build Wall: President Trump announced plans to address the nation, just as his administration officials are making an urgent case that the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border has reached a crisis level, laying the groundwork for President Trump to possibly declare a national emergency that would empower him to construct a border wall without congressional approval.
Gee, the only national emergency, at least as far as I can tell is — that this madman is still president. The irony is that the closest most of his rabid, half-witted supporters screaming “border crisis” have ever been to the actual Mexican border is — when they visited a Taco Bell.
But what does it matter, his base would believe him if he claimed extraterrestrials are now sneaking across the border. The scary thing is that historically, when other tyrants have declared a national crisis — they also used that crisis declaration as justification to round up all the “troublemakers.” Think about that one for a minute.
So can Trump pull it off — who knows? The Republicans are certainly too cowardly to challenge him. That said, I do see a slight glimmer of hope though. After all, it’s now been going on nearly three weeks since Trump has been able to golf — and my guess is, that means he’s about ready to crack.