Trump Executive Order on Anti-Semitism Stirs Fear and Confusion
Trump Executive Order on Anti-Semitism Stirs Fear and Confusion: Donald Trump’s new executive order expanding “protections” against anti-Semitism on campus — under the guise of “preventing protests and boycotts of Israel,” is actually prompting both fear and confusion among many American Jews, because it effectively interprets Judaism as a “separate race or nationality” and not simply a religion — similar to actions taken by Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.
Gee, Trump’s actions causing fear and confusion? Say it isn’t so! I mean, this one even tops the attack on the water-saving toilets Trump made just last week.
Just goes to show ya, there’s apparently no situation which Trump isn’t able to make worse. I’ll tell you one thing, its damn sure gonna take a helluva lot more than 15 flushes to get rid of this mess.