Trump Reminds Evangelicals that God Is On Our Side
Trump Reminds Evangelicals that God Is On Our Side: After recent criticism from a notable Christian publication, President Trump launched a new political coalition called “Evangelicals for Trump” at the King Jesus International Ministry megachurch in Florida, by declaring that God supports his agenda and made sure he got elected President, then adding “I really do believe we have God on our side.”
So, it was actually God who got Trump elected? Who knew? Oh wait, now that think of it — I believe God did discuss electing Trump in “the Book of Russians” — verse 20:16, or was it the “Gospel of Putin” verse 20:20? I must have somehow overlooked those chapters last time I read the Bible.
The truth is, even the harshest Trump critic — if completely honest, will have to admit that Trump has been a really devote Christian — at least ever since he realized how good “God” is at delivering votes on election day.
And I get how some folks may consider the President to be “God-like.” Why, just about every time Trump’s on TV, makes a speech or is in the news, about the first thing off people’s lips is “oh, Jesus Christ!”
Not to mention, every time I’ve ever heard him speak, I could swear he’s speaking in tongues. For all I know, Trump may be that “2nd coming” or possibly even 3rd coming, that Christians have been waiting for all these years. But hell, why take my word for it — ask Stormy Daniels!