Trump Says Folks With Mild Coronavirus Can Still Go To Work
Trump Says Folks With Mild Coronavirus Can Still Go To Work: In a recent interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Donald Trump contradicted his own public health officials as well as experts at the World Health Organization (WHO), by claiming their 3.4% official global coronavirus death rate was just a “false number” and that he has a “hunch” it’s very much lower. He then suggested to Hannity that people with “mild” coronavirus symptoms could still go to work.
So, let me get this straight, we have the President of the United States actually recommending that people ignore the advice of doctors and health professionals regarding a potentially deadly disease and return to work ill — all because he has a “hunch?”
I mean, what the hell? Have we all somehow been transported into the middle of some Stephen King novel? You know what? Quite a few of the rest of us have a hunch too. Our hunch is, that this President and his brown-nosing lackeys — have no idea what the hell they’re talking about.