Trump Supports Declaring Antifa as a Major Terrorist Organization
Trump Supports Declaring Antifa as a Major Terrorist Organization: President Donald Trump says “consideration” is being given to declaring Antifa, an organization composed loosely of autonomous left wing groups and individuals here in the US, as a “major organization of terror.”
Gee, declare people who are opposed to “fascism” terrorists? My, my — how times seem to have changed under this administration. Now, if I remember my history correctly, I could have sworn that during World War II, all patriotic Americans considered themselves “anti-fascists.”
Why, if one didn’t know how completely open to criticism and dissenting voices President Trump is, one might mistakenly conclude that our dear leader would actually love to declare ANYONE who dare protest his policies — a “terrorist.”
But of course that couldn’t be true, because a leader like that would attack our free press — referring to them as “an enemy of the people,” or advocate locking up his political opponents with chants like “lock her up!” or attempt to lay blame for all of society’s ills on some of our most vulnerable citizens — and we all know President Trump would never stoop to that level of demagoguery.