Trump Takes Aim at McCain and Biden at Pre-SOTU Luncheon
Trump Takes Aim at McCain and Biden at Pre-SOTU Luncheon: During a pre-SOTU luncheon with network anchors, President Trump took some cheap shots at the late John McCain, saying his book bombed and then Joe Biden — saying he hoped Biden will be his opponent in 2020 because Biden isn’t very smart. Now, I have no idea how well John McCain’s last book sold, but isn’t being called “dumb” by Donald Trump — a little like being call “fat” by Chris Christie?
New Study Finds Sunday Most Popular Day to Watch Porn: According to a new study released by the world’s most popular porn site Pornhub found that the fewest amount of people watch porn on Friday, while Sunday turns out to be the most popular day to watch porn. No surprise there. Hell, everyone else is in church, you got the house to yourself — go for it!
Scientists Claim Yellowstone Volcano May Help End World Hunger: Scientists from the Chicago-based start-up “Sustainable Bioproducts” say Yellowstone’s supervolcano could hold the key to ending world hunger — because the extremely efficient extremophiles living inside the volcano may be the solution needed to create sufficient amounts of lab-grown meat. Yea, either that or it will end world hunger because when Yellowstone does blow, there won’t be much of anything left to be hungry.
Passenger’s Ears Bleed After Plane Loses Cabin Pressure: A Southwest flight from Hartford to Tampa was forced to turn after several passengers complained of pain and discomfort, with at least one passenger bleeding from the ears. Wow, that passenger has my sympathy — bleeding from the ears is really painful. Why I don’t think I’ve bleed from the ears since they announced the 2016 election results.