Trump Tells George Stephanopoulos He’s An Honest Guy
Trump Tells George Stephanopoulos He’s An Honest Guy: During his now infamous interview with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, President Trump kept returning to the topic of the Mueller Report — claiming that he “likes the truth,” he’s actually “an honest guy” and that he didn’t sit for a Mueller interview, because “he’d get us for lies.”
So, translated from “Trump Speak” into everyday language, it appears the President just said “I think telling the truth might be a great idea, it’s just not my cup of tea.” Or, put another way, “telling the truth just doesn’t seem to work out all that well for me.”
Now, while some of you may ridicule everything he says as nothing more than a big bunch of mumble-jumble, I believe there’s ample evidence that a statement like that could actually make a lot of sense, especially for those who’ve just consumed a fair amount of psychedelics on an empty stomach.
Anyway, putting all that aside, is it just me, or does it seem completely insane that we now have a guy sitting in the White House and running the country — who’s biggest lie he ever told was when he said “I like the truth.”