Wealthy, Famous and Powerful Caught Up in College Bribery Scandal
Wealthy, Famous and Powerful Caught Up in College Bribery Scandal: Court records in Boston reveal that 50 individuals, including actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, have been indicted in a nationwide college admissions bribery scam where wealthy parents paid up to $6 million to gain their children admission into some of the country’s top universities — including Yale, Stanford and USC.
You’ve got to be kidding me? Are you telling me wealthy people would rig the system so their half-witted offspring could circumvent the rules and get admitted into elite schools instead of more deserving applicants? Say it ain’t so! Why, our nation depends on these institutions to produce the next generation of stable geniuses. Oh my, now what’s to become of us?
And could this also mean that Republicans aren’t being completely honest when they tell us that America today is a completely color-blind society which provides a level playing field for everyone in our society? Could that be possible?
And I suppose next we’ll be learning this may have been how folks like George W. Bush got into Yale and Harvard and Donald Trump got into the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania? Why — it’s almost enough to make someone think people like Bernie Sanders were right all along.