White House Downplays Football Field-Sized Asteroid Threat
White House Downplays Football Field-Sized Asteroid Threat: Astronomers at the European Space Agency (ESA), say there is a small chance that an asteroid, roughly the width of a football field, will strike the Earth in early September.
Now, what I wanna know is, since when did scientists start measuring a celestial objects in terms of football fields? So, given that there’s just a small chance of this asteroid hitting Earth, I guess you could say the asteroid is facing a “4th down and 200,000 miles to go” situation. Good luck with finding a punter willing to kick that puppy.
President Trump immediately took to twitter, urging everyone to lock their doors, just as a precaution. Meanwhile, a White House spokesperson tried to downplay the threat by pointing out that even if the asteroid did strike Earth, you still wouldn’t be able to play football on it — because the surface of asteroids are way too rocky and uneven for football. Adding that this would be especially true for any team dependent on their passing game.