White House Intensifies Efforts to Flood Pentagon With Trump Loyalists
White House Intensifies Efforts to Flood Pentagon With Trump Loyalists: As the election grows nearer, the White House is intensifying its efforts to hire Pentagon personnel with an “undisputed” allegiance to President Trump, a move designed to weed-out all the “non-loyalists,” such as those trying to keep the military out of all the polarizing politics which Trump has been demanding.
Now, let’s see, he’s quickly replacing all the top generals and Pentagon staffers with his loyalists, he loaded the courts with his flunkies, he appointed an Attorney General who acts like he’s Trump’s personal lawyer, he’s encouraged the police to manhandle people they’ve arrested, he wants to use our military against protestors, he’s firing those responsible for oversight of his actions, he’s secretly conducting his own private foreign policy through lackeys like Rudy Giuliani and Jared Kushner, and he’s attacking our free press as “enemies of the people.” What’s to be concerned about?
Of course, I know some of you are asking, “but where is our “Brutus?” Well, the sad answer is my friend, it appears he either quit or was fired, wrote a book, and is now traveling around the country on a book tour and doing morning talk show interviews. How will it all turn out? I guess we won’t really know until the “Ides of November” are upon us.